Tuesday, September 29, 2009

>.> First Rant

Omfg why is it must school start at 8:30 its just so fucking pointless....its probably the time of day where im most pathetic...like seriously...crawling to pick up the lrm...then fall out of bed >.>...not something to be proud about.

The Weather here in Vancouver starting to go back to normal now....normal as in: Rainy & windy X ALOT. so theres going to be alot ot look forward to again this year...Apparently i have forgotten to buy a lock & my locker got bolted now...so i guess i should just go find a screw driver and unbolt it myself...then buy a new lock....still trying to figure out where my old lock went but meh...

Its funny how lately the teachers have been so anal retentive about the whole H1N1 thing...just the other day half my lit class got kicked out of the library due to a paranoid librarian screaming "OMFG SWINE FLU!! GET OUT!!!!!".

I realized today how I have horrible luck with women...possibly due to the fact i take bad advice...but meh>.> for example one girl whom i text alot simply just doesnt reply to me anymore...I know this sounds desperate but how else do i talk to her? FB isn't my thing, she never replies on msn so all i have is text.....i dunno whether im getting paranoid or something else...but i think she thinks i'm annoying...luckily this week Dennis seems to wormed him way out of the "Jason lemme text her phase" so i can slowly rehabilitate myself into not texting people anymore =D. This other girl whom i've had some interest in ....well she apparently has a boyfriend.....for over a year.....>.> this is like the 2nd time this year.... WHY AM I ATTRACTED TO GIRLS WITH BOYFRIENDS!? D=

Meh maybe i should take my cousin's advice & wait it out, buuuuuut im not gonna be too confident about the whole matter.

Meh despite my day having alot of cutbacks, i still enjoyed bit & pieces of it, like today at the library i found several awesome books on Warfare & sat there reading all day, then I went to Blenz (....yes i've switched allegiances so now im no longer a Starbucks freak) to buy a Beligium Milk Chocolate Mocha<33 there was even a heart on it =D, then i went to Tim Hortons to buy like 6 doughnuts and just ate it on my way home~~.....wish i can do that more often...they are to die for ....

& now to begin my count of "How long it takes for dennis to return my money"

so far:

2 days