Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Rant #3: Interesting days + 1 hetalia bonus strip =P

>.> lets start with Sunday 10:00pm & i'll work my way from there

Well on sunday i realized i forgot to finish my....late....Compaitive Civilization assignment for those who take it or in my class it was suppose to be the "Creation Story". I actually put it off for 3 days...buuut lets skip that part.

Well here we go:

Sunday Night

10:00pm- finally finished my work that was deadlined tomorrow, happiest time of my life.. and it made me anticipate for teh long awaited paycheck that would come the next day.

So i decided to slack and do random crap for the remainder of the day......until.....i remembered that i had a late comp civ project to start on >.<>Monday


When i woke up (thanks to the loud alarm on my music phone-> Flumpool is a great band if you need a tune for your cell alarm btw) I repeated the process i did 3 hours ago got dressed and ran the hell outta the house.


Arrived surprisingly early to lit, lol.....well apparently we were suppose to take notes last class...guess we forgot, but managed to survive somehow.


OMFG COLIN STFU!!!!!!!!!! >.> the little whit guy just doesnt know when to shut his mouth like really >.> i think part of this angers comes from me for only sleeping for 3 hours....but srsly dont make a retarded comment for eveything....for the love of god....even im quiet at times!

Comparative Civilizations

I got to be the lovely Assistant for Tic Tack Tabak=Dits basically like jeopardy but the rules are:

1. Mr.Tabak is always right..so don't bother arguing

2.If your in anyway confused while playing the game, refer to rule 1.

>.> most pathetic thing i seen in a whole day...like 2 groups were up against each others necks

with about 1500-1300 or so...then group one had the pathetic 170points....way to go Ringo...great leader yenno....
The game was so bad that my Teacher went as far as to going into the group as the "transfer student". They made a comeback to 870 points by the end of the class...& especially since i was the one who was making up the questions =P.

Writing 12

we did the routine of "write a story based on the stuff written on the board for 20 minutes" thing... and for the rest of the class our teacher gave us an example of a memoir poem (which is due on friday...jesus...) by teh end of the day we just sat there taking with each other until the bell rang. Btw i feel bad for Catherine=/ her trips to fright night were boring = =// hope she has more fun this year.

The day ended with me picking up a new assignment and paychecque =P and i worked myself to the bone again then slept =O -- how exciting

Qoute fo the Day

English Teacher[Texan Accent]:"Cleopatra dies a thousand deaths, this is a qoutation from Mark Anthony a shakespear play"

English Student " O_o// [duh you told us to read that 3 weeks ago...]"

English Teacher: "to die can mean not to exist anymore"

English Student:".....O.o///[thank you lord of the obvious]"

English Teacher:" or it can mean an orgasm"

English Student:"O_O......[wtf..]"

English Teacher " so what do you think?"

English Student: " I think she was a happy bride if you ask me!"


Believe it or not this happend to my english teacher when she was attending university in Alberta! LOL


Woke up...rolled out of bed, went through the same routine...


went to Economics class to fuck around (we don;t do anythign there anyways)

Physical Education

Got my ass tackled while playing"containment flag football".....( its tackle football with flags stuffed into your pants...your only allowed to tackle your "friends"....apparently i had alot of friends in my class today)

Free block

walked around teh school with Elizabeth....realized she talks alot and really fast too.

English Literature


but the African Peach tea was nice!~

After all that crap i went home busting my ass studying, & working on project and typing up the stuff in this blog)

well thats all for today!~

Hetalia Strip!
Canada & America Sibling fight =D



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